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Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Teenage Years - Chapter Nine

What can I say.  I never thought in a million years, that if and when I left China, that my life would end up like this.  I am so happy with the way it turned out.  Lieng and Mi Lo have turned into beautiful and smart teenagers.  Lieng really took on my features,

and Mi Lo really looks like her mom,

Mi Lo goes to her mom for advice.  I am not quite sure on how to answer some of the questions these teenage beauties ask me as of yet, but I am learning.
Mi Lo getting advice.

Lieng with new friend.

Agnes is smart and seems to know all of the answers, but we still have to sit the girls down and have a talk with them.  We did learn that Lieng met a boy at school, his last name is Sekemoto.  She said he is dreamy, whatever that is.  I hope she leaves her options open and doesn't jump at the first boy she meets.  We tried to raise the girls with both of our values and they are interested in my heritage.  I just wish my parents could see the girls.  I think when they turn young adult, we will all go to China.  I would love to show them the Scholars Garden and the Temple of Heaven, I spent many a day just sitting and thinking, maybe I should have learned to meditate.

Growing Up is Hard to do - Chapter Eight

It has been real busy around here with the twins and getting each one to walk and talk and potty trained, plus, poor Agnes and her painting and my garden.  It has been rough, but I would not trade this life for anything else right now.  After the girls birthdays, we had to fix the house some, we have stairs, but no second floor yet, but, we will build that all too soon.  Here is a few pictures and you will probably get the meaning of them without me rambling on about my angels.

Father, Daugher moment

This is a Masterpiece?

Family Night

The girls started school and it did not take them long to get A's.  We were so proud of both of them.  They did their homework, even if they were tired, so on the weekend we would have family night, we would help them with their homework and then watch tv until we couldn't keep our eyes open.  We all enjoyed that.

Helping with Homework.

Then, I had a birthday.  I wasn't too thrilled about getting older, but then I remembered my purpose and I somewhat felt better.  It wasn't going to be to long before the girls were teenagers.  Time goes so fast.  Agnes completed Lieng's portrait of her youth and is starting on mine as an adult.  My garden is getting bigger and my cooking getting better.  Everything is moving along as scheduled.  Agnes was painting the portrait of Lieng, when Mo Li walked in.  She asked her mom why she had not painted a picture of her.  I heard her question and decided to save the day and  take Mi Li to play and help with homework.  Whew, that was close.  If Agnes has time, she said she would try to paint one of her, but she wasn't sure.

She looks like me, huh.  I think so, she has my eyes, but not my hair color, when she turns into a teenager, that will change.

One night, before bed, Agnes asked me about a vacation.  I told her that we really couldn't take one until the girls were young adults.  She didn't quite understand and she still has her quiet moments where she must do alot of thinking.

I try not to bother during her quiet times, because we both know it is not too long before we have to explain to the girls what is going on, but how do you tell one daughter that the other is going to be immortal.  So Agnes and I lay in bed and talk, usually for hours about all sorts of things and of course, the inevitable.
But it all boils down to this.  I can't change my heritage, I may have ran from it, but I am not changing it.  It is something we are all going to have to live with, like it or not.  I love my angels and adore my wife, at this moment that is all that matters.